Meike Strippel

The Royal Observatory Edinburgh invites locals and tourists to watch the stars and experience an extraordinary meteor shower. But something is different. The meteors do not burn up in the atmosphere – they hit the earth.

3rd Semester 2020, Game Design, HTW Berlin
Duration: 2 Months
Constraints: Game Environment Concept, Theme: Last Thirty Days
Technology: Adobe Photoshop, Maya 
Coaches: Prof. Susanne Brandhorst

The Royal Observatory Edinburgh is an astronomical institution located on Blackford Hill in Edinburgh. From time to time they host events for students and children to give an insight into the fascination of astronomy. During the night of the catastrophe Adam, Emily, Ryan and Amy visit the event. As soon as the first meteors hit the city they grab their children and run.

After finding their home destroyed the family decides to leave and tries to find a safe place. Meanwhile the meteor shower continues and spreads radioactivity all over the United Kingdom. Some people are prepared and barricade themselves in self-made bunkers. The family is able to find shelter in a stranger‘s bunker, calms down for a second and realises the current situation. They need to make a plan on what to do now.

After finding their home destroyed the family decides to leave and tries to find a safe place. Meanwhile the meteor shower continues and spreads radioactivity all over the United Kingdom. Some people are prepared and barricade themselves in self-made bunkers. The family is able to find shelter in a stranger‘s bunker, calms down for a second and realises the current situation. They need to make a plan on what to do now.

The meteorites destroyed most of the infrastucture of the island: streets, buildings, bridges, railway, harbours, energy and water supply and telecommunication. Many people die. Families and friends are torn apart. Loved ones are unable to reach each other 

and get lost. And nobody knows when it will end. Due to the vast destruction and chaos it is nearly impossible for the government to help the people. The land is contaminated – nobody is allowed to enter or to leave.

The family leaves the small bunker after discovering that there is a chance to get a place in an old war bunker complex. Lots of citizens want to enter, but only healthy people are allowed to get in. Emily is the first one of the family to get tested. It turns out that the meassured radiation is too high and she gets send away, vanishing in the crowd. Her husband and her children try to find her, but she 

seems lost. Adam cannot bear the thought of losing her and they continue the search. At a broken statue they find a farewell letter from Emily saying that she cannot come with them, fearing to contaminate her children. Adam learns that they have to go south to reach the last ferry in order to leave the island.

Adam has no choice but to start the 440 miles journey with his little daughter and son. On their way they find several opportunities to travel by car or by ship with the help of other people who are traveling too. They meet many different groups of people and talk with them about the catastrophe, where they are from and where they want to go. Adam gets lots of information about the crisis, which helps him to plan his next steps and make up his mind about important decisions.

Adam has no choice but to start the 440 miles journey with his little daughter and son. On their way they find several opportunities to travel by car or by ship with the help of other people who are traveling too. They meet many different groups of people and talk with them about the catastrophe, where they are from and where they want to go. Adam gets lots of information about the crisis, which helps him to plan his next steps and make up his mind about important decisions.

After 26 exhausting days the family reaches the ferry terminal in Dover. The meteor showers seem to become stronger and Adam knows that this is their last chance to get out of this alive. They enter the terminal and undergo a radioactive examination. As by a miracle the children are well. But Adam‘s results are concerning and he is not allowed to enter the ferry. Despite his children refusing to 

accept that he cannot come with them, he says goodbye and leaves the terminal with a heavy heart. He gets picked up by a group of people and hears that they want to cross the English Channel trough the Eurotunnel. Adam thought the tunnel got destroyed but the others are convinced of the contrary. In the hope of seeing his children again he joins them.